Light Weight Filling Material


CIDOMLITE is the geological name given to a group of hydrated laminar minerals which are aluminium iron magnesium silicates resembling mica in appearance. Minute layers of water are trapped between the plates, and when the particles are subjected to heat they have the unusual property of exfoliating, or expanding, due to the inter-laminar generation of steam.


  • Thermal Insulation
  • Roof Surki
  • Fire Protection
  • Sound Deadening Medium
  • CIDOMLITE is the brand name of hydrated laminar minerals which are feather-weight, granular, in organic
    mineral product resembling mica in appearance.
  • CIDOMLITE is used as light weight filling material in modern buildings due to its feather weight nature
  • CIDOMLITE has high thermal insulation value, fire proofing, economy in cost, easiness of application and
    high performance.
  • CIDOMLITE-CEMENT MIX has no shrinkage and is not subjected to volume changes once it has been laid. It
    has good comprehensive strength when CIDOMLITE mixing is been covered with a screed concrete of
    minimum 20mm thickness.
  • Lightweight filling material
  • Sunken, Surki Filling
  • Heat and Sound Insulation
  • Fireproofing Materials
  • Furnace Linings
  • Absorption of liquids and gases
  • Carrier for chemicals and catalysts
  • Hydroponics
  • Carrier for water and nutrients in plant growing media
  • Soil conditioning
  • Effluent treatment
  • Absorption of liquid spillages
  • Fillers for plastics and paints
  • Decorative finishes
  • Packaging material
  • Low density
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • High temperature resistance
  • High absorbency
  • High specific surface area
  • LOOSE BULK DENSITY       250-300 Kgs / CUM
  • SINTERING TEMPERATURE     About 1,260 C (2,300 F)
  • MELTING POINT  About 1,315 C (2,400 F)